Support Talk to a Representative or File By Phone: (866) 444-2290
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Talk to the Friendliest and Best 2290 e-File Provider

Not only is INSTANT 2290™ the best 2290 e-file solution, we’re also the most customer-focused. Our phenomenal support team is happy to assist you however they can, whether it’s helping you file your Form 2290, submitting an amendment, answering your questions, or anything else. We never fail to respond, and when you call INSTANT 2290, a real person always answers the phone.

You can contact a representative anytime Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm CST, with the exception of major holidays.

Call or Fax Your Request to (866) 444-2290

  • “I plan on continuing to use your company’s services since obviously, you care immensely about customer service.”

    A. Hollinger
    Treasurer / CFO, Hollinger Excavating
  • “INSTANT 2290 saved me a 4–5 hour wait at the local IRS Office—I will be using your website from now on.”

    E. Jarosz
    Armstrong Homes
  • “Thank you. All you guys are so nice and very helpful.”

    D. Lento
  • “I knew I could count on you guys …”

    T. Hyde
    Bracken, Inc.
  • “INSTANT 2290’s customer service personnel—and the recorded messages—are the very best!!”

    E. Hodges
  • “Your service is AWESOME!!”

    L. Coburn
  • “Thanks so much for excellent assistance!!!”

    L. Hill
    Pasture Management
  • “Everyone was so helpful and polite today. Thank you for your service!”

    T. Shay
    Office Manager – Ebberts Construction
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