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What You Need to Know When Buying a Semi Truck

For both the new and the experienced truck driver, buying a new semi truck can be an intense, nerve-wracking experience. While the freedom of owning your own vehicle is exciting, there can be a lot of bureaucratic hoops to jump through, both before and after purchasing. While it may not be glamorous, all of the…

The Ultimate Checklist for Meeting The DOT Compliance Requirements

Any trucker worth their road salt knows that it’s vital that you stay compliant with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations in order to avoid potential fines, penalties, or any other consequences in the event of an audit or in a legal action. Should you have any areas of noncompliance, the first place they’ll surface is…

5 Tips for Staying Up-to-Date With New Tax Laws for Truck Drivers

As the owner of a trucking company or an owner-operator, does it ever feel like you’re scrambling to stay on top of new tax laws for truck drivers? You’re not alone. Keeping up with the constantly changing tax landscape can feel like an uphill battle. With new regulations popping up left and right and old…

Is Entering A Trucking Lease Agreement Beneficial For Drivers?

Driving your own truck can be a great next step in your career; you get to set your own hours, you can make more money, you choose your copilot (perhaps a furry friend), and you’re able to make whatever upgrades to your vehicle you choose (like a new stereo, for instance). Overall, owning your own…

What Are Hours Of Service And The DOT 14 Hour Rule?

In most cases, the amount you drive directly impacts the amount you make, so you probably want to drive as much as possible (and your carrier probably wants that too). However, too much of a good thing is rarely a good thing. You can only be on the road for so long before you begin…

Find Your Footing As A Rookie Truck Driver

Starting as a rookie truck driver is an exciting adventure that comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities, but as the trucking industry has experienced a shortage of drivers in recent years, you’ll likely be welcomed with open arms and plenty of support as you begin your career. While it can be difficult…

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    Treasurer / CFO, Hollinger Excavating
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